Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunny Day at the Market

Yeah for sunny days! This weekend was the most beautiful weather in PDX. I felt lucky to be outside all day soaking up the sun and selling my artwork.

In the picture above you see the inflatable cow behind (to the right) of the one-arm-guitarist? I don't know what the deal with the inflatable cow was... I didn't get close enough to find out, he was standing out in the sun all day... I think panhandling for change, but for all I know it was some sort of activist or sumthin. Who knows.

In the picture below you see an activist that brought down her bike for a very unique demonstration:
I thought this "Bike for Affordable Housing" was really clever, and she posed for me very kindly so I could share her message here online.

Hope you had a great weekend enjoying this nice weather! I even got the chance to wash my car tonight after I got home, before the sun started setting. I love washing the car in good weather... watering my spring plants... and petting my cat.

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