Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rose Festival Parade

My day at the Portland Saturday Market today was made colorful with the Rose Festival Grand Parade. This morning as I set up my booth the fire department there on Naito Parkway was all abuzz with parade prep. All the firetrucks were looking shiney and super clean, adorned with roses and there was an old antique horse pulled fire truck that was gearing up to go. I happened to be taking a picture of some of the firetrucks when this entourage of horses and antiques left the station and headed off to the start of the parade. It was fantastic!
Behind the big horses and the antique fire truck was this little mini cart pulled by ponies that seemed to be carrying the pooper scoopers!I tried to take a video to show what it feels like to have a booth in an art market under a bridge that has a huge parade passing over head. Its really neat. I sorta love it.

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