Friday, October 1, 2010

Rogue Celebrates the Portland Saturday Market

Tim and I got back in town just in time to go to the vendor party at Rogue Brewery last night. Great timing eh?! I swear it wasn't on purpose.

A few years ago Rogue Brewery created a beer in honor of the Portland Saturday Market and started selling a selection of their locally handcrafted beers in a booth with us. There was a party to celebrate this new relationship, they invited the vendors to come eat and drink in the bar on NW 14th. This year they had another party with us to again celebrate this great relationship! Honestly its really touching how highly they think of the Portland Saturday Market and it has truly been beneficial for both Rogue and the PSM to have their beer selection available on the weekends down on the waterfront.

I still had a bottle of the first beer they created for the market (pictured above on the left) and the current PSM brew (above on the right)
We all pledged to the Rogue Nation and toasted the Portland Saturday Market.
And our beloved Ryan, the nice man who serves the beer in the booth every weekend was officially inducted into the market as an honorary vendor. Basically he got a bumper sticker, a teeshirt and a gift certificate. You see, even though he has been setting up and selling with us for years, he has never actually been a vendor. Technically he is a Rogue bartender who works the PSM booth. Anyhow, he fits into the PSM family very well and treats everyone with respect and generosity. So we made him an honorary vendor.

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